Invited Speakers

Dr. Liu Hongfei
Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), Singapore
Dr Liu Hongfei is a Senior Scientist and Group Leader of Surface Engineering and Protective Coating (SEPC) at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), Singapore. He received his PhD degree in Condensed Matter Physics in 2001 from the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. After that he went to US, Finland, Germany, and Singapore for Postdoc research and then joined IMRE in 2006. His current research is focused on SEPC of metallic alloys, including laser-based alloy process such as surface treatment, direct energy deposition, and surface enhancement. He has published over 190 papers in peer-reviewed journals with an H-index of 30 (as of May 02, 2023).
Abstract title: Surface modification via plastic deformation induced by laser-shock peening and robotic hammer peening

Prof. Kazuhiro Nogita
Nihon Superior Centre for the Manufacture of Electronic Materials,
School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, The University of Queensland
Dr Nogita graduated Kyushu University as an Engineer in Japan in 1990 and worked in the nuclear power industry with Hitachi Ltd. for 9 years. He was awarded a PhD from Kyushu University in 1997 and has subsequently worked on a variety of research projects, including the development of materials for alternative power industries and environmentally friendly applications. He currently holds the title of Professor and Director of the Nihon Superior Centre for the Manufacture of Electronic Materials (NS CMEM) within the School of Mechanical & Mining Engineering at the University of Queensland. He holds several international patents and has authored over 200 refereed scientific papers and has a ‘h-index’ of 55 (Google Scholar May 2023).
Abstract title: Heterogenous substrate surfaces for transient liquid phase soldering

Prof. Paul Munroe
UNSW Sydney, Australia
Paul Munroe is currently a professor in Materials Science and Engineering at UNSW. He has held roles at this university as, variously, Director of the Electron Microscope Unit, Head of School of Materials Science and Engineering and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Science. His research interests are focused on microstructure-property relationships in materials, especially in the form of thin film coatings. He has published over 500 refereed journal papers and supervised to completion over 50 higher degree students..
Abstract title: Multi-Scale Characterization of Al0.3CrFeNiTi0.3 High-Entropy Alloy Coatings Produced by High-Velocity Oxygen-Fuel (HVOF) Spraying

Dr. Nasim Amiralian
University of Queensland, Australia
Dr Nasim Amiralian is the leader of the Bio-inspired Materials research group at The University of Queensland. Her research focuses on exploring the design and synthesis of tailor-made and precision-engineered biomaterials using agricultural waste to create environmentally friendly products as a replacement for petroleum-based plastics. The outcome of her work has resulted in the establishment of Australia’s first nanocellulose pilot production plant. In recognition of her contribution to the field of nanomaterials engineering and research excellence she has received a number of awards including The Eight Australian Women Who Are Shaking up the World of Science (Marie Claire, 2020), one of Australia’s Top 5 Scientists (2018), Queensland Women in STEM Prize- judges choice award (2017) and Women in Technology Life Sciences and/or Infotech Rising Star Award (2016). Nasim also is a strong advocate for cultural diversity and equity and supports staff and students to grow as more effective leaders and create social good.
Abstract title: Enhancing the Longevity of Anticorrosion Effect through the Application of Nano-Architectured Coating

Dr. Andrey Kostryzhev
University of Queensland, Australia
Dr Andrew Kostryzhev is a project manager and material characterisation scientist at the Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis at The University of Queensland. He has got a PhD degree in “Manufacturing Engineering” from the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine in 2002 and a PhD degree in “Materials Science” from the University of Birmingham (UK) in 2009. Andrew has extensive experience in metallurgical research, processing technology optimisation, microstructure characterisation on SEM and TEM microscopes, mechanical testing, and analysis of chemistry-microstructure-properties relationships in metals. Currently he is developing custom focused services in chemical analysis and phase characterisation of minerals and metals for geology, mining, and resource processing.
Abstract title: Surface characterization using AMICS phase analysis system

Dr. Jeff Gates
UQ Materials Performance (UQMP), Australia
The principal focus of Jeff’s research has been the accurate understanding and high-fidelity laboratory simulation of complex abrasive wear processes as occur in rock-handling industries. His strategies are: (a) To pay close attention to the actual industrial processes, instead of starting from untested theoretical assumptions; and (b) To develop laboratory devices which preserve the natural complexity of the industrial environment — as opposed to attempting to micro-engineer the individual interaction components. These devices are then used to generate reliable comprehensive performance data for currently available materials, and to assist development of new abrasion-resistant alloys.
Abstract title: Inner Circumference Abrasion Testing of Liner Products for Ore Pass

Prof. Hongxia Wang
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Dr. Hongxia Wang is a full Professor at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia and a theme leader in two research centres at QUT (Centre for Materials Science and Centre for Clean Energy Technology and Practice). Her research has been primarily focusing on development of new routes to enhance performance and stability of 3rd generation solar cells and energy storage devices. She has carried out extensive research in the area of dye/quantum dots sensitized solar cells, perovskite solar cells, CZTS based thin film solar cells as well as supercapacitors, batteries. She has published over 190 peer-reviewed scientific articles and two book chapters to date. She was also an inventor of four patents in the area of energy materials. She is a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry and a Fellow of Royal Australian Chemical Institutes. She won “Solar Energy Journal Best Paper Award for 2016 in the topic of Photovoltaics” by International Solar Energy Society. She was recipient of several prestigious fellowships including “Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellowship”, “ARC Postdoctoral Fellowship (Industry, APDI)”, “Queensland University of Technology Vice-Chancellor Senior Research Fellow”. She is currently a member of ARC College of Expert..
Abstract title: Efficient Separator Coating Materials based on Metal-Organic-framework for application in Energy Storage Devices

Prof. Laurence Meagher
Monash University, Australia
Laurence Meagher is Professor and Director of the ARC Training Centre for Cell and Tissue Engineering Technologies and the SPARK Monash Program. He is Co-Director of the SPARK Oceania program. He works broadly across the development of bioactive coatings and materials for cell therapy, tissue engineering, tissue regeneration, bioactive molecule delivery and medical device applications. A key focus of his research activity is translation towards clinical application of the technologies he and his group develop. He is very active in the area of bioprinting for application in a range of clinical unmet needs.t..
Abstract title: Bioactive Surface Prepared Using Controlled Radical Surface-Initiated Polymerisation

Prof. Cheng Yan
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Cheng Yan received his Ph.D. from the University of Sydney in 1998.He is a professor at the School of Mechanical, Medical, and Process Engineering, Queensland University of Technology, Australia. His main research interest is nanocomposites, energy storage materials and mechanical characterization and numerical simulation of the structure-property relation in materials. In addition to two ARC fellowships (APD and ARF), he was awarded Sesqui fellowship by Sydney University, and inaugural Queensland International Fellowship and Nanotechnology Category Winner by Queensland government. He is editor or editorial member for 6 international journals and has published over 350 refereed journal papers and supervised to completion about 50 higher degree students
Abstract title: Interfacial Engineering with Liquid Metal for Lithium-Ion Batteries

Dr. Zoe Asadi
University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Dr. Zoe Asadi is an esteemed researcher at the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Space Sciences at the University of Southern Queensland, with a specialisation in diverse areas of materials science and engineering, particularly in materials characterization and selection. Her significant contributions encompass fundamental experimental and theoretical studies on ferrous material corrosion, including the intricate pitting corrosion observed in underground piping systems. In recent years she also has added to her theoretical insights with practical experience gained from years of project management for several large-scale civil engineering projects
Abstract title: Investigating the pit areas of corroded underground pipelines

Dr. Mingyuan Lu
University of Queensland, Australia
Dr. Mingyuan Lu is a Senior Lecturer at The University of Queensland (UQ) and an ARC DECRA fellow. She received her PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering at UQ in 2014 and has also completed both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in Material Science and Engineering in 2007 and 2009, respectively. Her research interests are materials characterization, micro- and nano-mechanics, surface engineering, additive manufacturing and biomedical engineering..
Abstract title: Laser surface engineering of Titanium alloy

Dr. Ashok Meghwal
Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Dr Ashok Meghwal is a Research Engineer at Swinburne University of Technology (SUT) and an associate investigator with the ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centre in Surface Engineering in Advanced Materials (SEAM). He received his PhD degree in Materials Engineering at SUT in 2022 and also completed his master’s degree in Materials Engineering at RWTH Aachen University, Germany in 2015. His research interest focuses on the development of next-generation surface coating materials for extreme engineering applications
Abstract title: Combinatorial development of high entropy-medium entropy alloy composite coating

Dr. Qiyang Tan
University of Queensland, Australia
Dr. Qiyang Tan is a Research Fellow within the School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering at the University of Queensland. As an early career researcher, Dr Tan is gaining his international reputation in the area of material science and engineering, and metal additive manufacturing. He published over 55 papers in top international journals, with over 1700 citations and H-index of 23.
Abstract title: Additive manufacturing of corrosion and wear resistant steel